Meeting Minutes
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes – November 20th, 2019
32 attendees and 1 visitor
APD presentation
No business from APD zone representative
No questions from attendees
Future questions can go to
Land Use - Lisa Malaney
V-19-261 - Illuminarium Experiences, LLC, 820 Ralph McGill Blvd. (Common Ground building) - Special Exception Application to reduce parking requirement
A representative for Illuminarium Experiences presented background:
Seeking a parking exemption.
In order to have liquor license, must “park” entire space. Parking reduction is required because they would like to apply for a liquor license in the future.
Off-site parking for employees; incentive program for public transportation
Chris and Jack from Illuminarium presented on the company:
Immersive digital experiences with videos presented on the wall, ceiling, and floors; haptic sensors on the floor
Representative fielded questions:
Expected to open September or October of 2020
Off-site parking for employees
Anticipate being able to park in larger parking deck once Georgia Power site is developed
Number of people admitted:
Will “pulse” admission with timed tickets
Maximum capacity:
500 to 800 people if everyone is there at the same time; business plan is based on running at 16.7% of that capacity
Land Use and Board both voted unanimously to support
Lisa motioned to approve the request to lower the required number of spaces from 336 to 221 as requested.
o Motion was seconded; Vote in favor 23, opposed 0, abstentions 1
Ralph McGill Parking Discussion
Tom from 976 Ralph McGill briefed on history: There are a number of no parking signs on both sides of Ralph McGill; most days there is no problem and residents can park anyway, but occasionally enforcement will come through and ticket. Because it is a residential street, the residents would like to change the signage and allow parking on Ralph McGill.
Further discussion postponed so board can have further discussions with residents
Next step is to do a study and get something more formal in the works.
Poncey-Highland Neighborhood Planning/Historic District Updates
Lisa provided update on last planning meeting.
City will be distributing new notice of intent to nominate package within next two weeks. This will restart city’s part of the process.
Next planning meeting is December 5.
Survey will be distributed within a week to ask for input on the planning process.
Update on Renew Atlanta projects
• Contractor has started work on Blue Ridge sidewalks; other projects are forthcoming as funds become available.
Communications/fundraising update - Tanya
Upcoming neighborhood happy hour at The Poncey-Highland Café and Coffeehouse on December 4.
Poncey Highland neighborhood home tour is being planned for 2020.
Miscellaneous Items
President mentioned APD’s Zone 6 annual toy drive. Must be delivered by December 11; can bring toys to the neighborhood happy hour on December 4.
President said nominations for the board must be provided by December 9 via email.
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - October 16th, 2019
32 attendees including 5 visitors
Report from Zone 6 officers, Lt. Bighon and Sgt. Smith
Meet your beat officer
Citizens can stop by the precinct and talk with the officers there.
PATH program - pilot program with the city to help divert homeless; can be an alternative to immediate arrest for trespassing
Report suspicious activity and remember to keep valuables out of sight and when possible at home!
Email if you have issues you want to communicate to APD
Fielded questions from attendees
For some nuisance issues please call 311 first. As an example, people working on cars in the street.
Peachy Clean Poncey event on October 12t
Thank you to our over 60 volunteers for making this event a success!
Halloween Decorating Contest for PHNA
Please sign up by October 25th to win one of three prizes!
Signup info can be found here or from
Keith Pepper - fundraising update
There will be a contest for logo designs for PH’s 100th anniversary
4 weeks to submit designs - look out for a posting on the website and in email blast.
Land Use presented by Land Use chair, Lisa
863 Ponce - rezoning and variance application (ZRB Z-19-077 and BZA V-19-192)
Rezoning/change in conditions for allowed height from 52 to 100 feet
Variance to decrease required open space
50 units, 65 parking spaces, 4 retail spaces
Special neighborhood meeting was held earlier in October with the developers so that residents and others could offer comments and express concerns
Land use committee recommended support with conditions including: height capped at 90 feet; use of vines to screen parking deck at the sides and rear of the building; material changes; and reduction of two parking spaces to increase retail space and create more engagement on the park side of the building. Developers have also agreed to let Trees Atlanta select the required trees and implement the tree plan.
Motion to approve based on the plans date stamped for those presented at the meeting.
Zoning and variance motions: 22 in favor, 3 opposed (2 absentee), 2 abstentions
1037 North Avenue (BZA V-19-211)
Homeowner seeking to reduce side and rear setbacks to construct a new garage; previous shed was on the property line
Land Use committee asked for a grass strip in the new driveway to lower overall impermeable surface from 58% to 52%
Variance motion: 25 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions
599 Linwood Avenue (BZA V-19-216)
Homeowner seeking to reduce side and rear setbacks to construct a new carport and looking to add a new driveway
Permeable pavers and grass strip added to reduce permeable area under 50%. Flo-wells added to design to capture rainwater from the carport.
Plans were updated to help preserve a tree on the property during the construction process.
Variance motion: 24 in favor (1 absentee vote), 0 opposed, 0 abstentions
Cory Atkinson, NPU rep, shared information on NPU legislation from the City of Atlanta
New definition of small retail stores of up to 12,000 square feet. They would have to be 1500 feet apart with new legislation.
Meant to encourage larger gaps that can be filled by grocery stores and prevent food deserts.
Motion made to vote in support and resident discussion followed
Neighborhood is not required to vote on this legislation so a vote would only express interest in this legislation.
11 in favor, 3 opposed, 10 abstentions
Atlanta Planning and Variance update
· City of Atlanta's current interpretation of code means that NPUs can no longer require applicants for liquor licenses or special events to appear before neighborhood community meetings.
· NPU-N plans to ask Amir Farohki to sponsor legislation that would require these types of applicants to meet with neighborhoods to garner community feedback before coming to their relevant NPU meeting.
No updates on planning and historic district
Scheduled October planning meeting is cancelled
● Kayt from PCM Farmer’s Market shared an update on events and efforts to help reduce food deserts.
Poncey-Highland Neighborhood Association General Meeting - September 18, 2019
Report from Zone 6 officer
Seeing about a 10% increase in crime in Zone 6; most is from theft from vehicles ● Citywide is down about 2%; projected for the year is down 10%
Fielded questions from attendees
Malory announced Peachy Clean Poncey event on October 12th.
Please sign up here using this Google Form to attend.
Chris Tilley announced Halloween Decorating Contest for PHNA
Dates and more information to be announced in the near future
Land Use presented by Land Use chair, Lisa Liquor License, Kroger #695, 725 Ponce
Attorney representing Kroger presented application
Motion to vote on license to sell malt beverages and wine in retail store
42 in support, 0 against, 0 abstention
Motion to vote on license to sell malt beverages and wine in restaurant
On-site consumption will be a maximum of 3 drinks
42 in support, 0 against, 0 abstentions
Elemental Spirits
● Cory Atkinson presented application for liquor license
● Motion to vote on license to sell distilled spirits
43 in support, 0 against, 0 abstentions
Motion to vote on license to sell malt beverages and wine
43 in support, 0 against, 0 abstentions
571 Linwood Avenue
● Dave Price presented application; Jason and Rachel Kyzer are
homeowners● Dave fielded questions from attendees
● Motion to vote on variance request for side and rear setbacks and lot
coverage● Amended motion to change side setback to 3 feet instead of 2 feet
● 25 in support, 9 against (1 absentee), 5 abstentions
SAP, 891 Ponce de Leon Avenue (Chase Bank proposal)
● Request variations for fenestration, supplemental zones, driveway curb
cuts● Land use committee is opposed to this proposal. PH master plan mandates
minimum building widths, minimum building heights of two occupied stories, promoting ground-floor retail on Ponce, and encouraging architectural excellence. Also ask that excess off-street parking be reduced.● Show of hands in support of the SAP
0 in support, 35 against, 3 abstentions
Robert Hamburger presented neighborhood survey results
● Results are available on PHNA website
● Hunter Burk is the winner of the staycation at the Hotel Clermont
Beth McDonald provided update on Poncey-Highland Historic District planning
● City felt that it was not in the best interest to proceed with the application as it stood
● Office of Design would need to restart nomination process based on a new petition, new
public notice, and new mailings
● Jim McMahel volunteered to get a new petition signed; total of 30 signatures have been
submitted to the city as of September 17 ~55 attendees according to sign-in sheets
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - August 21st, 2019
Report from Zone 6 Officer
Please secure vehicles and turn vehicles off! Remove all items, not just valuables.
ATL 311 is a good way to report potholes and other street issues
Scooters - the city is working on new rules in light of recent accidents.
Update from Jay Tribbey, Amir Farokhi’s chief of staff
Amir introduced legislation to support compostable silverware at all city venues
A resident asked about RenewAtlanta work and new signs on BlueRidge about construction
Contract has been bid out and should start in the near future
Sidewalk repair, ADA ramps, restriping - Blue Ridge, Seminole, etc..
Land Use Items - presented by Lisa Malaney, Chair of Land Use and Planning committee
Poncey Highland Cafe - 640 Highland Cafe
Requesting liquor license to support the cafe’s dinner program
Menus were shared with cocktail program and shareable platters
Hours will be open to 10 or so during the week and midnight on the weekend.
Motion to approve liquor license approved 36-0, 0 abstentions.
Fundraising/Membership Committee
Tanya Hamburger and Keith Pepper have volunteered to help lead this effort.
Next year we are looking to celebrate 100 years of Poncey Highland as a neighborhood
and to get neighbors engaged
Working on planning 4 tentpole events - examples might include membership drive, tour
of homes, Lantern Parade, restaurant week
More information to come!
Poncey-Highland Master Plan Working Group Update
Lisa went over the history of the neighborhood which starts in the late 1800s - much of
this timeline is on the updated website at
One of the working group members went over the detailed neighborhood inventory that
was done by the working group in a series of 6 meetings (3-4 hrs each) and a walking survey
No “pure” style buildings but the neighborhood has bungalows and other older buildings from the 1920s
Multifamily buildings that look like detached houses in addition to traditional multifamily buildings like Morningside
Working group recommendations
Based on 2 months of reviewing the 2010 master plan, walking survey, and
discussions with consultant and city officials
The 2010 master plan mostly got things right in terms of recommendations for
growth and development in the neighborhood
The committee recommends that the neighborhood partner with the city to
explore a regulatory tool build on the concept of historic districts with custom zoning based on geographic subareas
For example, residential at the Beltline or near Ralph McGill may differ from the core neighborhood subarea east of Freedom Parkway.
Next steps
Beth McDonald and Doug Young from Atlanta’s Urban Design Commission
discussed the current Historic Preservation Ordinance and the process that would involve community outreach and input through meetings scheduled and posted on
Doug and Beth McDonald answered questions from neighborhood members about this effort.
Upcoming Dates
Poncey Highland community meeting September 5th at Church at Ponce and
Highland; future meetings posted on the PHNA website.
Peachy Clean scheduled for October 12th
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - July 17th, 2019
Report from Zone 6 Officer, Sgt. Jones
ATL+ is enforcing parking restrictions in some private and “No parking” zones with
increased retail like behind Briarcliff Plaza. They interact with ATL Police often.
Reminder tips for larceny especially from autos
Remember to keep your car clean! Especially be careful leaving about leaving large items like suitcases visible.
Don’t let anyone you don’t know use your phone!
You can make a complaint against an officer at the City of Atlanta if you are dissatisfied
with service or interactions with them.
Attendee Q: Are there laws about permanent trash cans in certain neighborhood
APD can see if a compliance officer can check into this.
Q: What’s the status of scooter enforcement?
It should be enforced but there’s a learning/enforcement curve..
Beth McDonald - Presentation of Land Use Items
Scott Wilkins, Bazati
Request for liquor license modification to add a wine specialty shop separate from wines sold in the restaurant
Supplements larger Beltine-facing space with other shops for customers while they wait for restaurants.
Motion to approve change in liquor license approved 9-0, 0 abstentions.
Carey Falcone - New Realm brewery
Request for liquor license modification for microdistillery on-site
New Realm can only serve alcohol brewed on site because they are a brewery,
not a brewpub (like Wrecking Bar)
Looking to distill vodka, gin, and whiskey on a small scale starting around
■ No bottle sales or shots
100 square feet or so within existing space; no increase in infrastructure
Motion to approve change in liquor license approved 9-0, 0 abstentions.
● Q&A about parking for New Realm from attendee
○ From valet info: 25% park, 75% seem to get there without parking
Kayt from PCM Farmer’s Market
Shared some vouchers with attendees and that the market is 4-8 PM on Tuesdays.
Lots of events upcoming - you can sign up for the newsletter at - You can email with questions or comments
from Zone 6 Officer, Sgt. Jones
Upcoming Important Dates
July 31st - Planned Meeting Date for Working Group on Neighborhood Planning (later
rescheduled to August neighborhood meeting)
October 12 - Peachy Clean Poncey
Miscellaneous business
● Attendees expressed a renewed interest in neighborhood t-shirts and other items
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - May 15th, 2019
Report from Zone 6 Officer
Major Vasquez, our new Zone 6 liaison, will be at the next meeting; Captain Antonio Clay attended this meeting..
Bike thefts are up; please lock your bike
Reminder on the clean car campaign
Scooter usage flyers were made available for attendees
Land use items from Lisa Malaney, head of Land Use and Planning committee
Southern Belle and Georgia Boy - request for liquor license
Unanimous vote for approval (28 votes), 0 opposed, 0 abstained
Cory and Malory Atkinson - Atlanta Spirits Retail doing business as Elemental Spirits
Looking to put a package store in the vein of VinoTeca in Inman Park in the space next to Manuels
○ Requesting an exemption to the rule for being 600 feet from single family homes.
○ Space is limited to 1900 square feet
○ Q&A from audience regarding parking and related topics
○ Nonbinding vote of support from attendees passed - 24 in favor, 1 abstention
Samara Minkin - Manager of Public Art
Renew Atlanta Public Art Program is starting to place art across Atlanta in public spaces
Atlanta has a lot of small and local art but no large-scale artwork.
Jaume Plensa sculpture will come to Poncey Highland; working with Freedom Park Conservancy and Trees Atlanta to place the piece at Freedom Parkway and N. Highland (near Babette’s).
Will be doing some hard landscaping and will remove two trees. Will have some seating around it. Construction should start in late summer.
Beth McDonald - Master Plan Working Group Update
Working group for addressing master plan and zoning issues - 30 people applied, 10 people were selected from across the neighborhood/groups
○ Other interested applicants will be asked to participate with future focus groups
PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - April 24th, 2019
Report from Zone 6 Officer
Current major for Zone 6 is transferring.
Be aware of people asking to use your phone and then accessing your cash apps. Do not allow other people to use your phone.
Another common scam is people calling and asking you to purchase gift cards.
With warm weather, people are looking for opportunities to break into cars. Do not leave items visible in your car.'
Land use item from Lisa Malaney, head of Land Use committee
Lisa introduced special use permit application U19008 from Atlanta Dental Spa to add paid parking to their site during non-business hours (8 spots).
Tim from Park Place presented on behalf of business.
Floor was opened for Q&A.
Enforcement will be via application—checking license plate numbers against cars and ticketing infractions.
Land Use and Board voted unanimously to support application.
● Lisa made a motion to vote on issue.
Motion passed 48 to 3
. Trees Atlanta report from Greg Levine
Planning commission has been working on urban ecology framework.
Trees Atlanta has received reports on concerns about tree loss in nearby
neighborhoods, including Virginia-Highland, as single-family homes are removed to put in larger homes. Have not yet seen this as a widespread problem in Poncey-Highland.
80 trees over 10 inches have come down from Poncey-Highland in last 5 years due to construction, storms, permitted and non-permitted pruning, etc.
City hopes to have draft of tree ordinance by August.
Three points that nonprofits are backing: Plant more trees, buy more forested land, change ordinance to protect more trees.
Greg encourages neighbors to get involved with protecting tree canopy. Has a form people can sign to support three points.
Floor was opened for Q&A.
Poncey Highland Master Plan Report and Update
Jim M. recapped history of 2010 Poncey Highland Master Plan and progress to date.
Keyetta Holmes and Doug Young from City of Atlanta’s Office of City Planning discussed
their goal of managing the look and feel of neighborhoods alongside zoning.
Hope to kick off zoning code rewrites this summer. Will be a three-year process from start to adoption by City Council.
Poncey-Highland board is looking to review the Master Plan and figure out next steps.
Vision has not changed, but tools available to carry out the plan have changed.
● Association would like to create a working group to review the Master Plan and
how to codify land use and design elements.
● Working group will focus on previous efforts and options in May and June and
have ongoing conversations afterward.