Discussion with Capt. Antonio Clay and Lt. Bighon related to safety issues for Zone 6
● Please remember to keep a clean car!
● Moreland areas near Trader Joe’s and Home Depot are now Zone 6 beats
Email zone6cid@atlanta.ga.gov if you have issues you want to communicate to APD
Application by Gino’s to do live comedy
Application would allow Gino’s East to host live comedy on Wednesdays-Sundays 8-10 PM
Requesting an amendment to their liquor license to allow for live entertainment for
comedy in the restaurant
No plans to change the hours or affect others eating at the restaurant for to-go, bar
seating, or path
Vote passed: 14 in favor, 0 against
North Avenue Complete Street
● Residents gave feedback at March 7th TSPLOST meeting
● North Avenue has been approved for the design phase of the project but not the full
construction; this makes the project “shovel-ready” when funds become available
● Board and residents are engaged and working with Amir to help push this effort
Bonaventure-Somerset district has been finally approved by the city
Notices going out to residents of these streets.
TEDx Poncey-Highland
● Ali Punjani spoke about the new TEDx-Poncey Highland event and platform
● See the website at https://tedxponceyhighland.org/ for tickets and more information
Freedom Park
● Please email PHNA with suggestions for small improvements Freedom Park
Conservancy can undertake such as more trashcans, small artwork, plantings, events
PHNA Outreach and Volunteering
PHNA will be updating their database of residents and reaching out for new opportunities with committees for fundraising, events, park conservancy, and land use
Upcoming Events
● Church at Ponce and Highland - April 6th yard sale
○ http://www.churchatponceandhighland.org/
● Atlanta Film Festival - April 4th-14th
Events at the Plaza, church, and on the Beltline