PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes - October 16th, 2019

32 attendees including 5 visitors

Report from Zone 6 officers, Lt. Bighon and Sgt. Smith

  • Meet your beat officer

  • Citizens can stop by the precinct and talk with the officers there.

  • PATH program - pilot program with the city to help divert homeless; can be an alternative to immediate arrest for trespassing

  • Report suspicious activity and remember to keep valuables out of sight and when possible at home!

  • Email if you have issues you want to communicate to APD

  • Fielded questions from attendees

  • For some nuisance issues please call 311 first. As an example, people working on cars in the street.

Peachy Clean Poncey event on October 12t

  • Thank you to our over 60 volunteers for making this event a success!

Halloween Decorating Contest for PHNA

  • Please sign up by October 25th to win one of three prizes!

  • Signup info can be found here or from

Keith Pepper - fundraising update

  • There will be a contest for logo designs for PH’s 100th anniversary

  • 4 weeks to submit designs - look out for a posting on the website and in email blast.

Land Use presented by Land Use chair, Lisa

863 Ponce - rezoning and variance application (ZRB Z-19-077 and BZA V-19-192)

  • Rezoning/change in conditions for allowed height from 52 to 100 feet

  • Variance to decrease required open space

  • 50 units, 65 parking spaces, 4 retail spaces

  • Special neighborhood meeting was held earlier in October with the developers so that residents and others could offer comments and express concerns

  • Land use committee recommended support with conditions including: height capped at 90 feet; use of vines to screen parking deck at the sides and rear of the building; material changes; and reduction of two parking spaces to increase retail space and create more engagement on the park side of the building. Developers have also agreed to let Trees Atlanta select the required trees and implement the tree plan.

  • Motion to approve based on the plans date stamped for those presented at the meeting.

  • Zoning and variance motions: 22 in favor, 3 opposed (2 absentee), 2 abstentions

1037 North Avenue (BZA V-19-211)

  • Homeowner seeking to reduce side and rear setbacks to construct a new garage; previous shed was on the property line

  • Land Use committee asked for a grass strip in the new driveway to lower overall impermeable surface from 58% to 52%

  • Variance motion: 25 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions

599 Linwood Avenue (BZA V-19-216)

  • Homeowner seeking to reduce side and rear setbacks to construct a new carport and looking to add a new driveway

  • Permeable pavers and grass strip added to reduce permeable area under 50%. Flo-wells added to design to capture rainwater from the carport.

  • Plans were updated to help preserve a tree on the property during the construction process.

  • Variance motion: 24 in favor (1 absentee vote), 0 opposed, 0 abstentions

Cory Atkinson, NPU rep, shared information on NPU legislation from the City of Atlanta

  •   New definition of small retail stores of up to 12,000 square feet. They would have to be 1500 feet apart with new legislation.

  • Meant to encourage larger gaps that can be filled by grocery stores and prevent food deserts.

  • Motion made to vote in support and resident discussion followed

    • Neighborhood is not required to vote on this legislation so a vote would only express interest in this legislation.

    • 11 in favor, 3 opposed, 10 abstentions

Atlanta Planning and Variance update

·         City of Atlanta's current interpretation of code means that NPUs can no longer require applicants for liquor licenses or special events to appear before neighborhood community meetings.

·         NPU-N plans to ask Amir Farohki to sponsor legislation that would require these types of applicants to meet with neighborhoods to garner community feedback before coming to their relevant NPU meeting.


  • No updates on planning and historic district

    • Scheduled October planning meeting is cancelled

  • ●      Kayt from PCM Farmer’s Market shared an update on events and efforts to help reduce food deserts.


PHNA Neighborhood Meeting Notes – November 20th, 2019


Poncey-Highland Neighborhood Association General Meeting - September 18, 2019