Z-21-41 – Ordinance (Urban Farmstands)

For Review & Comment Only:

  • Ordinance to amend the City of Atlanta Zoning by amending the definition of urban gardens to allow for on-site sales, and where a Special Administrative Permit is required for an urban garden, amend the terms of the permit from a 12 month term to a 3 year term. The intent of this ordinance is to expand the use of urban gardens in residential areas, increase the availability of locally grown food, stimulate neighborhood economic activity, and to have additional positive community impacts. This proposed ordinance will be on the NPU-N agenda in May for review & comment only, and will be on their June agenda for a vote.

  • Comments may be shared with the PHNA Land Use Committee via email at phlanduse@gmail.com.


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791 Ralph McGill Blvd NE – Z-21-042 & V-21-110