Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Updates

The CDP is Atlanta’s guide for growth and development.

  • Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) require Atlanta to adopt and implement a CDP and update it every 5 years. While these more robust updates occur every 5 years, minor updates occur annually and on an as-needed basis.

  • The next major update had been scheduled for October 2021, however, we have learned recently that this has been postponed until 2022.

  • NPU-N has requested all NPU-N neighborhoods to submit their annual updates/edits for the CDP. These updates are due to NPU-N by May 24th, will be reviewed and discussed at the May 27th NPU-N meeting, and will be compiled and submitted to the City by June 1st.

  • PHNA’s Land Use Committee has assembled the suggested updates/edits for Poncey-Highland’s section of the CDP. Our suggested updates/edits are more robust given the recent adoption of the Poncey-Highland Historic District and ongoing concerns regarding traffic and infrastructure.

  • PHNA’s Land Use Committee has also made suggested updates/edits to the general NPU-N section of the CDP, and hope that NPU-N will give these suggestions their consideration.

  • Download PHNA Land Use Committee’s NPU-N CDP Updates Draft at the link below. Our suggested updates/edits are shown in red.

  • To learn more about the Comprehensive Development Plan, process, and updates, please see the following links:

Comments or questions may also be sent to the PHNA Land Use Committee via email at


592 Linwood Avenue - Type III Certificate of Appropriateness


Z-21-41 – Ordinance (Urban Farmstands)