791 Ralph McGill Blvd NE – Z-21-042 & V-21-110

For Review & Comment Only:

  • Application to rezone from MRC-1/Beltline to MRC-3/Beltline

  • Application for a variance to exceed the maximum building coverage from 85% to 100% for the construction of a multi-family building. The property is currently a vacant lot and is proposed to be redeveloped with a 24 unit multi-family building. Units may be rental or for sale. Per BeltLine overlay requirements, the property will include affordable (60% or 80% AMI) and market rate units.

  • This property is in NPU-M. As a property that is within 300 feet of NPU-N, we have the opportunity to provide review and comment only - we will not get to vote on these applications.

  • The applications are on the July NPU-N agenda for review & comment. The Code of Ordinances does not require the applicant to attend NPU meetings.

  • The applicant presented to the PHNA Land Use Committee in July, and the committee is in support of the applications. Fourth Ward Alliance and NPU-M’s Land Use Committee have both given recommendations of approval for the rezoning and variance applications.

  • Comments may be shared with the PHNA Land Use Committee via email at phlanduse@gmail.com.