PHNA General Membership Meeting - 4/18/2018
(Approx 23 people in attendance)
Poncey-Highland Tour of Homes & Hangouts
Come hear the latest updates and details on the homes on the tour, learn how you can help and how to be the first to get your hands on the 2018 Poncey-Highland t-shirt
General plan provided as an update for the event on 5/12/2018
Poster shown
Poncey-Highland Master Plan
Open conversation on the Poncey-Highland Master Plan and possible future historic preservation
A master plan covers a number of high level questions
How high can developers build?
How dense should areas be in the future?
Where should single family homes be, vs duplexes, vs commercial properties?
How should we handle traffic volume concerns and attempts to optimize gong
There have been questions around “Should we update the master plan?”
There has been a new building created next to Church on Ponce & Highland. That’s
been built. Do we need to update the master plan to note that update?
Do we need to consider a neighborhood historic preservation designation given the
recent development trends in the ATL central area?
How do we include the Renew Atlanta Smart Streets and Complete Streets within the
overall plan?
• Complete streets = revised cross walk markings, bike lands, pedestrian hawkcrossings, side walks, street paving, traffic calming, road diet, shared real estate for
cars & bikes, etc
• Smart streets = intelligent sensors and other elements to enable betterDo we want to control aesthetic elements of our neighborhood going forward?
The only way to do this is with a historic zoning overlay (eg. Inman Park, Virginia Highlands which impacts single family homes but not necessarily all types of zones)
Then a separate step would be a master plan review. They are not the same thing.
Neighborhoods that have these types of historic district designations have limitations
on facade visible from the front of the home, etc. But it doesn’t control size, interior
aesthetics, etc.
• Do we want to do a survey & related to pursuing a historic district designation?
• A majority of the attendees raised their hands (approximately 25 people in attendance)
PHNA Annual Budget
Review of the approved 2018 PHNA annual budget. Expected contributions and spending in all its glory!
2017 Operating Checking Account Current $10,062
2018 Income projected $19,700
2018 Expenses projected $16,500
2018 Overall net income $3,200
Police Update
Recovering from city-wide computer hacking attack - responses to
Please destroy sensitive material in trash
As weather improves we will continue to see more incidents
Package thefts and stolen bicycles are a common issue
Social media craze currently happening where people they are shooting paintball guns out of moving vehicles and hitting not only each other and innocent bystanders.
Please report as you see it with descriptions, tag info, etc.
Please be careful as they are sometimes also armed with real weapons.
Some minor graffiti issues with gang tags noticed in zone 6. They are monitoring the