March 18 Vote 7 PM - TBD
Our regular meeting location, The Highland Inn Ballroom, like many venues around the country and city has elected to no longer permit group meeting events including the PHNA meetings until their concerns about COVID-19 are resolved.
Information regarding the new location will be available outside The Highland Inn no later than 6:30 PM tonight.
Please click this link to watch the meeting at 7:00 PM.
Meeting ID: 390 491 455
Note: You will need to set up a free Zoom account to join the meeting.
You can join the meeting from phone or computer in advance of the time it starts.
The March general PHNA meeting will still be held on Wednesday, March 18 to satisfy the requirements of the PHNA bylaws and to allow for an in-person vote on Z-20-15 Poncey-Highland Historic District, which is time sensitive. BUT we'd like to keep the numbers small in accordance with CDC guidelines and common sense. Therefore we are requesting that you stay home, especially if you or anyone in your household is in a vulnerable group: over 60, with high blood pressure or a heart condition, diabetes, or otherwise immunocompromised. There are reports of asymptomatic transmission. Let's do the right thing for our community. Please vote by absentee ballot if you are comfortable doing so.
NOTICE! Absentee voting deadline is extended to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18.
Click here for the absentee ballot and instructions.
. There will be one item on the agenda: Z-20-15 Poncey-Highland Historic District. You will be checked in to the official meeting (don't forget your ID), read or hear the motion, ask any questions you might have, vote, and then go, in order to limit social interaction. There will be a very short presentation beginning at 7 p.m. We hope to adjourn the meeting by 7:15 p.m. at the very latest. We'll have Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, gloves, tissues, etc. The vote will be reported at the meeting on March 18 and via email/social channels on March 19. This is not the way we normally do things, but these are not normal times. Thank you for your understanding!
Poncey Highland Neighborhood Association has adopted the following Voting Procedures for the March 18 General Meeting:
Eligibility: Only RESIDENTS of Poncey Highland (renters and resident homeowners) of age 18 and older are permitted to vote on Z-20-15 (per PHNA Bylaws Section 6.3).
To receive a ballot in the March 18 meeting, residents will be required to present their driver’s license or state ID. If their ID shows an address outside of Poncey-Highland, they will need to additionally provide one of the following documents that shows a Poncey-Highland address in order to establish proof of residence (per PHNA Bylaws Section 3.5):
Recent utility bill (no older than 1 month)
Another recent bill (no older than 1 month)
Bank statement (no older than 1 month)
Lease or mortgage statement (no older than 1 month)
After a resident has signed in and their ID and proof of residence has been checked by the Secretary and NPU volunteer(s), they will be handed a numbered ballot. Upon request, and following proof of status, business owners, commercial property owners, and non-resident property owners will be handed ballots that will be collected and counted for information purposes only.
To make the process of counting ballots more efficient for volunteers, both the ballots and the sign in sheets will be numbered and printed ahead of time. These numbers do not need to match, but allow the Secretary to track the number of ballots distributed and the number of ballots returned. The Secretary will prepare the ballots and sign-in sheets ahead of time.
During the PHNA general meeting, the NPU representatives/volunteers will be introduced to attendees.
Following the land use presentation and after the vote is called, NPU representatives/volunteer(s) will collect the ballots in paper bags and move to the bar area to count them. The Secretary and one other PHNA board member will supervise.
The NPU volunteer(s) will report the final vote total vote, followed by a report of votes casted via absentee and in person at the end of the meeting. The meeting will progress as usual while the counting is happening.