767 Ponce De Leon Ave NE - Type III Certificate of Appropriateness

Updated: 1/21/22

  • (CA3-21-459) Application for a Type III Certificate of Appropriateness for the new construction of a commercial structure on the existing site occupied by Dugan’s restaurant. Proposal includes removing the existing building which is not a historic/contributing structure and redeveloping the site for a new custom-designed Chick-fil-A restaurant including indoor and outdoor dining. Proposed restaurant would not have a drive-through but would offer pick-up options.

  • (CA3-21-465) Application for a Type III Certificate of Appropriateness for a variance to reduce the sidewalk amenity and walk zone from 17.5 ft (required) to 15ft. (proposed), a variance to reduce the minimum distance between a surface parking lot and a public sidewalk / street from 30 ft. (required) to 15 ft. (proposed), and a special exception to increase the maximum height of a retaining wall from 4 ft. (required) to 8 ft. (proposed).

  • Property is zoned Poncey-Highland Historic District Subarea 4 (SA4 - Ponce de Leon Mixed-Use).

  • The revised submission to the Atlanta Urban Design Commission in advance of the January 12, 2022 hearing included a 4th variance request for the percentage of fenestration at the ground floor along Ponce de Leon Avenue. Based on the revised submission, the Office of Design’s Historic Preservation Studio staff report indicated that 2 out of 4 of the variances are no longer necessary – the sidewalk width and the retaining walls shown in the revised design meets the Poncey-Highland Historic District regulations.

  • Applicant presented at the Atlanta Urban Design Commission (AUDC) hearing on January 12, 2022. The Staff Recommendation was to approve the applications associated with this property with conditions, including the removal of two proposed parking spaces to better comply with the required minimum distance between the parking lot and sidewalk. The AUDC voted to approve the applications associated with this property with conditions, but amended the conditions to omit the removal of the two proposed parking spaces and clarified that the condition of a dense vegetative screening should run along the entire edge of the parking area at Somerset Terrace. The Applicant’s revised design submission and the Office of Design’s Historic Preservation Studio staff report to AUDC are linked below.