1036 Williams Mill Road NE - Type III Certificate of Appropriateness

Updated: 12/10/21

  • (CA3-21-452) Application for a Type III Certificate of Appropriateness for the renovations & additions to an existing 1-story brick & frame home, including new 1st floor, rear, and side additions, new 2nd floor addition with new roof, new rear deck, and new rear driveway to replace existing rear driveway.

  • (CA3-21-451) Variance to increase the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) from 0.5 to 0.55.

  • Existing historic/contributing residence in Poncey-Highland Historic District Subarea 1 (SA1 – Residential Core).

  • The Atlanta Urban Design Commission reviewed the CoA application (CA2-21-452) and approved it with revised conditions on November 22nd. However, the variance application (CA3-21-451) was denied without prejudice as variances will not be granted for increases to the floor area ratio. The Office of Design’s Historic Preservation Studio staff reports to the AUDC are linked below.