2019-2020 Planning

September 22, 2020:

Atlanta adopts new historic district in Poncey-Highland.

Read more about this designation via the City of Atlanta Department of City Planning!

PLEASE NOTE: This page is under construction.
We’ll update the below content soon to reflect the new Poncey-Highland Historic District designation.
If you have a question related to land use and planning, please email phhistoric@gmail.com.
Find the property owner notification packet with more details and regs from the City HERE.


The Poncey-Highland Master Plan


Poncey-Highland is at an epicenter of exciting growth and development in Intown Atlanta, which makes this a great place to call home. In anticipation of this growth, in 2009, our city councilperson encouraged our neighborhood to develop a master plan. Following a community-led development process, the Poncey-Highland Master Plan was adopted in 2010 and has served as a neighborhood-based vision for guiding growth.

Now, 10 years later, some of the recommendations in the master plan have been carried out, and that’s exciting. But we realize our master plan alone isn’t enough to help the neighborhood face today’s urban challenges, or those that are coming over the next 10 years and beyond.

So, we’re taking the next steps to ensure that Poncey-Highland retains its quality of life — character, walkability, scale, mix of housing types and people, active commercial corridors, green spaces — and that we take advantage of our full potential as a desirable place to live, work, and play in Intown Atlanta.

Starting in November, we’ll resume community meetings and discussions. See the calendar for details and check back for updates.



The master plan is a community-based vision for guiding growth and change in the neighborhood.  It calls for doing so in a way that preserves and builds on neighborhood strengths, addresses challenges and weaknesses, and takes full advantage of Poncey-Highland’s potential. 

Download the full document
(8.8 MB pdf)

The Community Process



Revisit the 2010 Poncey-Highland Master Plan

Meet with Department of City Planning, Office of Design, and Office of Zoning and Development

Talk to urban planning professionals


Partner with the Urban Design Commission (UDC) on historic designation for the Briarcliff Plaza Landmark District (2017), Virginia Court Apartments Landmark Building Site (2018), and Bonaventure-Somerset Historic District (2019)

Convene a working group to focus on PH Master Plan recommendations on behalf of the neighborhood and make recommendations about next steps (2019)

Survey the community — What do residents and business owners value about PH? What do they want to see change? (2019)


Ask the City of Atlanta to let us do things a little differently than they’ve been done before (2019)

Engage an urban planning firm, TSW, to support our planning effort (2019)

Create a development framework that responds to the concerns and aspirations of our community and acts on the recommendations made by the working group (now)

Involve the entire community through meetings and workshops to vet, explore, and refine different approaches to implementing the development framework (now)

Collaborate as a community to develop regulations to implement the development framework and codify key recommendations from the PH Master Plan (now)


Write regulatory code to implement the policies that codifies parts of the MP. (early 2020)

Track the project pieces that aren’t a part of the development frame work and get community consensus around what we’re going to focus on next (ongoing)

Regulations and rezoning make their way through the NPU process and City of Atlanta Process (2020)


Oversight and ongoing engagement between UDC and PHNA if a new district is created. If no district is adopted, regulations revert those existing prior to the process.

Latest Planning Updates


Frequently Asked Questions

Read through the Q&A below. Don’t see what you’re after? There’s a form at the end to submit your question. We’ll get it answered and share with you and others here!


What makes Poncey-Highland eligible to be a historic district?

  • Made up of parts of the original subdivisions of Copenhill, Ponce de Leon Heights, Linwood Park, and an industrial area along the Southern Railway, Poncey-Highland comprises a collection of residential and commercial areas that were established between the early 1900’s to late 1930’s, and an industrial corridor that was developed between the mid-1920’s and the mid-1950s. These original residential areas are representative of pre-World War I, planned, streetcar subdivisions for Atlanta’s middle-class residents and were platted and built by local developers including the Copenhill Land Co., Dr. George F. Payne and W.E. Worley, William Candler and B.D. Watkins, and others. Despite some recent infill construction and building alterations, Poncey-Highland retains a high degree of integrity that clearly conveys the speculative residential suburban growth in Atlanta during the early twentieth century that was originally facilitated by the City’s expanded streetcar transit network. Read more about the history of the neighborhood here.


  • For the purpose of the prosed Poncey-Highland Historic District, buildings in the residential subareas built up to 1940 and buildings in the mixed-use subareas built up to 1955 and still largely intact are considered historic/contributing. A property is determined to be historic/contributing when it adds to the associations, qualities, or characteristics of the district and was present during the period of significance for that district or possesses historic integrity reflecting its character at that time.

  • Staff from the Urban Design Commission looked at the properties in Poncey-Highland and decided which ones were contributing and which ones weren’t.

  • If the UDC thinks your property meets the requirements for a historic/contributing property and you don’t, or vise versa, just let them know why you disagree. Information about how the property looked originally, including photos, and what alterations and additions have happened, are helpful. There’s plenty of time during the process to make any warranted changes.

What will happen to my property value?

You said this isn’t a traditional Historic District. What did you mean?

  • Based on the working group recommendation, we asked the Urban Design Commission to work with the neighborhood to explore using the Historic Preservation Ordinance to create custom zoning regulations for Poncey-Highland. If adopted, the new district would be called the Poncey-Highland Historic District, but this would not be your mama’s historic district, or even your friend’s over in Inman Park. The city is open to exploring how to use the preservation ordinance in a new way to address our neighborhood’s specific concerns and to implement recommendations in the Poncey-Highland Master Plan in addition to preserving historic structures. This is one of the only ways we can have a (regulatory) say in the quality of design of new buildings built in our neighborhood, among other things, and the only way to prevent demolition of historic homes and buildings.

  • If adopted, this won’t be a traditional historic district. We (all of us!) get to create custom regulations for Poncey-Highland that are unlike those in any other historic district in Atlanta. We’ll use the historic district tool to manage all new development in the neighborhood in addition to preserving the history that makes Poncey-Highland special. Residents and others will help shape the regulations through community meetings through the end of 2019 and into early 2020. If adopted, the proposed historic district will focus on preserving the front portion of historic houses while still allowing additions, including those that increase height. (As Beth says, “business in the front and party in the back.”) It won't tell you what color paint to use or have anything to do with the interior of your house or how you landscape your yard.

What are “interim Controls”?

  • If a property owner needs to do certain work to their property during the 180-day nomination and designation process, it may require review by the Office of Design Staff or the Urban Design Commission. During the nomination and designation process, properties within the proposed Poncey-Highland Historic District are protected by and regulated by “interim controls.” After the conclusion of the designation process, if a Poncey-Highland Historic District is created, the regulations developed through the public, community process would take effect. The interim controls are there just in case someone wants to do something during the 180-day period that a PHHD is being considered.

Aren’t these historic district regulations burdensome to homeowners?

  • Historic District regulations are intended to prevent the demolition or inappropriate alteration of historic resources, like a house or other building, and thus, the fabric of the historic district that gives properties their value. They offer predictability for residents and for those considering investing in the community. What we want to put in place will protect our fabric while allowing lots of flexibility. The Atlanta Urban Design Commission is willing to work with us to put together regulations that address the concerns and needs of our neighborhood. It will be unlike any other historic district in Atlanta. Regulations will be developed through a community process and approached with homeowners’ rights in mind, and with an eye to the future. So come to the meetings and help shape our neighborhood’s future.

  • The process of getting approval for permitting is actually LESS burdensome with a historic district in place. You don’t need to do anything at all to paint your house (any color!) or perform ordinary repairs and maintenance. Basically if you don’t need a building permit for it now, you probably wouldn’t once the historic district is in place. If you DO want to add on or alter your property, depending on what you want to do, the approval process could be as short as three days or up to two weeks. That’s compared to the three-month or longer process to get a variance through the usual NPU system, which involves multiple meetings. The reason for this is that if the neighborhood has decided what the regulations are in advance, and they’re are based on the existing physical conditions in the neighborhood, so there’s no need for a property owner to go to multiple meetings (neighborhood, NPU, BZA) to seek support. Approval is given either by UDC staff review or commission review (including a public hearing) based on the specific regulations of the district, which in this case would be the Poncey-Highland Historic District.

Why would a property be included in a historic district if it is not historic?

NOIN Mailing - District Boundary Map - 11-2019.jpg
  • A historic district is an area that includes a collection of historic resources. Nearly all historic districts include both properties that are historically significant, based on the definition above, and properties that are not considered historic or contributing. The character of a historic district is affected by all of the properties within that area, so even the non-historic/non-contributing buildings are included in the designation.

  • Staff from the Urban Design Commission looked at the properties in Poncey-Highland and decided which ones were contributing and which ones weren’t.

  • If the UDC thinks your property meets the requirements for a historic/contributing property and you don’t, or vise versa, just let them know why you disagree. Information about how the property looked originally, including photos, and what alterations and additions have happened, are helpful. There’s plenty of time during the process to make any warranted changes.

Isn’t density good? Won’t this preventing the neighborhood from developing?

  • We’re aiming to use the Historic Preservation Ordinance to create a new kind of custom zoning tool for Poncey-Highland. Creating a new kind of historic district doesn’t prevent new development and growth—it helps manage it so it enhances the neighborhood rather than detracts from what makes it special.

  • The population in Atlanta is expected to double by 2050, and we want to be prepared to harness development to make Poncey-Highland even better, not worse. We want to have clear regulations in place that make it EASIER for developers to choose Poncey-Highland as a place to develop quality buildings without the expense and time needed to work through the current City of Atlanta process.

  • In Poncey-Highland, areas where we definitely want more density include our proposed mixed-use subareas: Beltline mixed-use subarea, Ponce mixed-use subarea, and North Highland Mixed-Use Subarea. We probably don’t want any new drive-thru, one-story, one-use buildings in those areas. We probably do want buildings with an active use (retail, restaurant, etc.) at the bottom and housing on top so that we create vibrate streetscapes while providing housing for all of those new people coming our way.

  • Owners of historic properties, including commercial properties, will still be able to add on to them and renovate. In fact, there’s a lot of cool stuff they can do and examples can be found all over the country.

  • Community input will help shape the regulations so that new development that happens in Poncey-Highland will be in line with what folks in the neighborhood want. The proposed historic district would allow us all to have some say in how things that get developed in the neighborhood look, how buildings interact with the streetscape, and how new buildings interact with existing buildings and other new buildings.

What are the existing (before the interim controls) regulations for our neighborhood?

how big could a new house be without a historic district regulation?

  • It depends what on the underlying zoning for the property. On a lot zoned R-4, a house could be 35 feet high ( a little over 3 stories) and total lot coverage, including the all structures, driveway, and other non-permeable surface can be up to 50 percent without a variance. For lots zoned R-5 the lot coverage allowed increases to 55 percent. There are also regulations about floor area ratio (FAR). For details see the links above. Based on the most recent City of Atlanta zoning update, property owners do NOT need a variance to build within the existing side setbacks and footprint of the house. Property owners DO need a variance if they want to build outside of existing setbacks or the foot print of the house.

  • A variance application (outside of a historic district) goes through the NPU process, which typically takes 2- to 3-months and includes PHNA land use, PHNA general meeting, NPU-N meeting, and a BZA meeting before the variance is approved. Following that process, a building permit can be issued.

Can a property owner make changes to a historic property once it is part of a historic district?

  • Yes. In the proposed Poncey-Highland Historic District, property owners would be able to add on to historic buildings based on the customized regulations the neighborhood develops together. Additionally, it isn’t necessary to have UDC approval for any interior alterations, or for normal repairs and maintenance that don’t affect the exterior appearance of the house (such as repainting or re-roofing with the same material). The goal is to keep as much of the historic fabric as feasible, and when alterations are necessary or desired, ensure that the underlying historic character of the building isn’t lost in the process.

Will a property owner be required to restore his or her property?

  • No. Historic district designation does not require property owners to restore any building to the way it looked in the past. The regulation of work is not retroactive. The proposed Poncey-Highland Historic District won’t affect your property at all unless you want alter or add to it in the future.

Will Paint color be regulated?

  • No. The main focus is on the preservation of the building. In this proposed district, ordinary repair and maintenance is not reviewed at all.

Do you have to have an architect review plans for any proposed work?

  • Larger, more complex projects will require an architect’s drawings to meet City of Atlanta Bureau of Buildings standards, but simpler drawings that are to scale and accurate are sufficient for smaller projects.

Will interior work require review?

  • No. The one exception to this is the installation of dropped ceilings or the insertion of new floors IF they could be seen from the outside of the building.

Would the proposed district restrict the sale of property?

  • No. Local districts don’t restrict the sale of property, require improvements or restoration of property, require approval of interior changes or alterations, prevent new construction, or require approval for ordinary repairs and maintenance.

What is the difference between a City of Atlanta historic district designation and a listing on the National Register of Historic Places?

  • A big difference is that listing on the NRHP is honorific and doesn’t prevent alterations or demolition of structures, though it may entitle owners to tax benefits. Another difference is that City of Atlanta historic districts are administered by the Atlanta Urban Design Commission while the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is recognized by the U.S. Department of the Interior and in Georgia is administered by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Office.

Does this mean I can’t replace my windows?

Does section 3.2 of the PH bylaws mean that local businesses, any property owners who live [outside of the neighborhood boundaries], and all commercial property owners are not permitted to vote on the prosed poncey-highland historic district?

  • The PHNA bylaws DO restrict voting on land use/zoning issues (including the proposed PH Historic District) moving through the NPU process to Poncey-Highland residents (category 1 members). However, all PHNA members can vote on all general issues brought before the neighborhood association for vote, and everyone is encouraged to participate in discussions.

  • Intown neighborhoods have different approaches to voting on land use issues. See bylaws for nearby neighborhood/civic associations to see how PHNA compares: Candler Park, Virginia Highland, Lake Claire, Inman Park, Druid Hills.

  • Relevant text from the PHNA bylaws:

    • 3.2 Categories of Members. There shall be four categories of membership: • Category 1: An individual residing within the boundaries as described in Section 2.5 (“Residents”); • Category 2: An individual who is not a Resident, but who owns residential property within the boundaries as described in Section 2.5; • Category 3: A business operating within the boundaries described in Section 2.5. The business must appoint a representative, for example the business’ manager, to attend meetings and to vote on behalf of the business. • Category 4: Owners of commercial property within the boundaries described in Section 2.5.

    • 6.1 Voting Privileges. Any person who is a current Category 1 member of the Association is eligible to vote on all issues brought before the association. Any person who is a current Category 2, 3, or 4 member is eligible to vote on all issues brought before the association except zoning related issues. A membership allows one vote. All votes must be made by each member in person or by absentee ballot. Absentee voting is permitted, but must be in writing and given to any member of the Board of Directors prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken

    • 6.2 Voting. All issues to be voted on, including the election of Officers and at-large members of the Board of Directors, but excepting proposed amendments to the by-laws and zoning related issues, must pass by a simple majority of the members eligible to vote and present at the membership meeting during which the vote is being taken as well as those eligible members who have cast an absentee vote. If the number of non-Category 1 members present equals or exceeds the number of Category 1 members present, voting on issues other than zoning related issues will be deferred.

    • 6.3 Voting on Zoning Related Issues. Only Category 1 members are eligible to vote on zoning related issues. These must pass by a simple majority of Category 1 members eligible to vote and present at the membership meeting during which the vote is being taken as well as those eligible category 1 members who have cast an absentee vote.

    • 6.4 Voting on Amendments to the By-Laws. Proposed amendments to the by-laws must be approved by 2/3 of all members eligible to vote and present at the membership meeting during which the vote is being taken as well as those eligible members who have cast an absentee vote or given their proxy.

On what date will the new 180-day interim controls period commence?

  • The City has let us know that a new Notice of Intent to Nominate packet, including interim controls, will be sent “in the near future,” likely sometime during the month of November.

  • Our Poncey-Highland community process is independent of the City’s official process, so we will carry on with the work of exploring customized regulations for our neighborhood with our planning consultant, Caleb Racicot from TSW, and Doug Young from the Urban Design Commission.

  • Doug Young at the Urban Design Commission is working to create interim controls that will provide protection for historic resources in addition to minimal additional guidelines beyond existing regulations for any additions or alterations that need to happen during nomination/designation process.

Have a Question? Let us know!

We’ll get it answered as soon as we can (remember we are volunteers!) and share with others here.

As residents, we treasure these characteristics and want to help preserve them as much as possible. We also know that change is inevitable...therefore, our challenge is to acknowledge that change is coming and balance it with a desire to keep the good qualities that we love about Poncey-Highland.
— Poncey-Highland Planning working group

 Additional Resources and Reading


Hidden parking rules hurt our cities. Will Chilton and Paul Mackie of Mobility Lab explain. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO The cities we live in are shaped by the way we get around them. Over the past 60 years, with more and more people opting to drive cars, the need for parking spaces has increased with the boom in driving.

More than 8 million people are crowded together to live in New York City. What makes it possible? In part, it's the city's great public spaces -- from tiny pocket parks to long waterfront promenades -- where people can stroll and play.

Freedom from cars, freedom from sprawl, freedom to walk your city! City planner Jeff Speck shares his "general theory of walkability" -- four planning principles to transform sprawling cities of six-lane highways and 600-foot blocks into safe, walkable oases full of bike lanes and tree-lined streets.

I'm on Patreon! Consider supporting this channel: https://www.patreon.com/citybeautiful I live in Sacramento, and when I moved here I learned two things quickly. First, Sacramento summers are hot. Like really hot. Many days are over 100 degrees. The second thing I learned is that Sacramento is livable, even with those high temperatures, thanks to its extensive tree canopy.

The Interstate Highway System was one of America's most revolutionary infrastructure projects. It also destroyed urban neighborhoods across the nation. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO The 48,000 miles of interstate highway that would be paved across the country during the 1950s, '60s, and '70s were a godsend for many rural communities.


More Resources and Reading

The following links were provided to the Planning Working Group that met over the summer to take a deep dive into planning issues on behalf of the neighborhood. The goal was to have a representative group of Poncey-Highland people study our Master Plan and learn about options for codifying it so they could report back to the Poncey-Highland membership with a recommendation. They were asked to think about whether the Master Plan was still relevant; whether Poncey-Highland should implement some, all, or none of the recommendations contained within it; which recommendations we could act on in the near future; and the best way to implement them with the tools available. In addition to the following reading and any research they undertook on their own, the Working Group had presentations and discussions with the urban planner who developed the Poncey-Highland Master Plan and city officials from the Department of Planning.







National Trust for Historic Preservation


City Lab

Preserving Versus Replacing Windows



Trees & Community

Form-based Codes



Urban Land Institute



Bonaventure-Somerset for an example of a residential approach and the others for various existing approaches to commercial areas in ATL historic and landmark districts. Keep in mind, none of these is as flexible as what we're exploring for Poncey-Highland.