NPU-N Meeting, Thursday, March 26, 7 p.m. via ZOOM

NPU-N will hold its March meeting as scheduled but in a remote format. The only item on the agenda is Z-20-15 Poncey-Highland Historic District.

To attend the meeting you will need to download the Zoom app to your computer, tablet, or phone, but do not need to log in or register to participate. Simply click the link below.

NPU-N chair, Christopher Leerssen, encourages any resident or attendee to email questions or comments regarding the proposed Poncey-Highland Historic District (Z-20-15) to prior to the meeting.

Doug Young, Assistant Director, Historic Preservation and Executive Director, AUDC will present the application. The meeting will follow the usual format according to the bylaws of NPU-N: 

There shall be 5 minutes, or other time allotment as adopted by the Executive Committee at the beginning of each NPU-N Meeting, for each of the following:

a) for the applicant to present the application. Unused time may be reserved for rebuttal.

b) for public input/questions regarding application.

c) for the Executive Board to ask questions of the applicant.

d) for comments and discussion, if any, from the NPU-N Executive Board.

Topic: NPU-N
Time: Mar 26, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 706 469 136

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Meeting ID: 706 469 136

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March 26th - NPU-N Proposed Historic District Vote


March 26 Draft Regulations, Subarea map, and Planning Timeline