Meeting Schedule Update

The goal of this planning process is to involve neighbors in a conversation about the special characteristics of Poncey-Highland and how we can write regulations that preserve those characteristics while fostering quality growth and development. Please come out and join the discussion!

We had a fantastic turnout at the November 5 meeting—over 60 people! Caleb Racicot from TSW and Doug Young from UDC are always impressed by how engaged our community is in this process, and we appreciate all of you. Keep on turning out! If you missed the meeting, you can watch a video presentation and view a slide show under the November 5 post below.

Since the November 5th community meeting, we’ve received several comments and questions. As a result we’ve adjusted the schedule a bit to focus the December 5 meeting on questions and answers. Then we’ll get back to exploring possible approaches to regulations for Poncey-Highland with Caleb in January. We’ll keep adjusting as needed. And please keep the comments and questions coming!

The revised meeting schedule will be:

  • December 5 - Community meeting #4: Q&A followed by a mini workshop. Bring your questions and suggestions! You can also ask questions and view answers in the FAQ section of this website.

  • December 11 - Urban Design Commission hearing on eligibility

  • January 9 - Community meeting #5: Presentation and workshop on permitted uses, building type standards, subarea standards, and architectural styles. This is the fun stuff! We’ll explore how we can do something really innovative for our neighborhood.

  • Subarea Surveys: Subarea surveys will be online before the January 9 meeting so that you know what kinds of questions we’re trying to answer as a community at the meeting. The surveys will be open until a week after the meeting.

  • January 29 - Community meeting #6: District text review and discussion + workshop on any outstanding items. Based on data gathered from meetings in September, November, December and January, Caleb/TSW will prepare draft regulations to review at this meeting.

  • February 11 - Community meeting #7: Presentation of final draft + workshop on any outstanding items

  • Meeting on refinement of final draft to be added in February, as needed.

  • Click the button below for a complete schedule.


Designation Report for the proposed Poncey-Highland Historic District


Notice of Intent to Nominate packets mailed on Monday, November 25: Interim Regulations and Subarea Map