February 20 Planning Meeting Presentation & FEBRUARY SURVEY

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Our newest survey is here! We are getting to the end of this planning process and based on all of the feedback and data we have collected thus far, our team has developed the most comprehensive survey yet. Remember, YOUR input will be used to shape the proposed new regulations. This survey is broken down by subarea and we encourage everyone to complete every subarea. Thank you for participating in this important process!

We are asking folks to please COMPLETE THE SURVEY BY MONDAY MARCH 2.

Please find below the Feb 20 planning meeting presentation materials, which consist of a slideshow of different classes of properties showing compatible and incompatible features. Please also find below a video of the Feb 20 planning meeting presentation by Doug Young.


March 5 Planning Meeting Presentation Materials & Video


February 11 Meeting Materials and First Draft of Regulations