Freedom Park Master Plan (updated 7/16)

UPDATE (7/16/21): The Freedom Park Master Plan will be on the July 22nd NPU-N agenda at 7pm for review & comment.

(6/11/21): Freedom Park Conservancy is asking for neighborhood review and comment on the proposed Master Plan. The Master Plan is intended to be a guiding document - a living, flexible framework guiding the vision for the future of the park. Master Plans show early design concepts, however, as funding becomes available, each portion will go through a full design process including further public engagement. At the upcoming PHNA General Meeting on June 16th, PHNA Freedom Park Representative, Beth McDonald, will walk us through the Master Plan, discussing the goals and signature projects, including the proposed vision for Poncey-Highland’s portion of Freedom Park. Neighborhood feedback on the Master Plan can be submitted via this link through June 28th. The Freedom Park Master Plan is expected to go before NPU-N & NPU-M in July.


585 Linwood Avenue – Type III Certificate of Appropriateness


592 Linwood Avenue - Type III Certificate of Appropriateness